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All Activities

115 results returned
  • Environments governance

    In this video, you'll learn how to use environments governance in Contentful. Specifically, you will learn how to use this feature for two key use cases: how to share staging or test environments with different roles and how to control...

    • Duration 3m
    • Beginner
  • Evaluate your context

    In this lesson, you’ll identify areas for improvement with your content development process, so you can address them in your content model and project roadmap.

    • Duration 5m
  • Fetch a list of app installations using the CMA

    In this video, you'll learn how to use the Contentful Content Management API (CMA) end point to fetch a list of environments where an app has been installed in your organization.

    • Duration 4m
    • Intermediate
  • Contentful web app at a glance

    In this video, you'll get a quick tour of the Contentful web app from the perspective of a content author.

    • Duration 3m
    • Beginner
  • App Framework

    In this course, you'll learn about the App Framework. Developers new to the App Framework can use this as a jumping off point, while experienced developers may find the reference material useful.

    • Path
    • Duration 1h
    • Advanced
  • Creating custom editorial workflows

    In this video, you’ll learn how to set up review and approval workflows in the Workflows app, so your content team can track entries through different editing stages and get a quick snapshot of the entry's status and history of...

    • Duration 4m
    • Beginner
  • Certification Bundle – 10 Exams

    *YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN TO PURCHASE* Purchase a bundle of 10 Contentful Certified Professional exams for your team members at a 20% discount. After you complete your purchase, we will email you a code that you can give to...

    • Migrating to Contentful

      In this course, you'll answer essential questions to consider before migrating to Contentful to develop a completed content migration plan that is customized to your project.

      • Path
      • Duration 30m
      • Beginner
    • Rich text

      In this video, you'll learn about the Contentful rich text field.

      • Duration 9m
      • Intermediate
    • Creating a basic content type

      In this video, you'll learn how to create a basic content type and add fields such as rich text and reference fields.

      • Duration 3m
      • Beginner
    • Why multi-space architecture?

      In this video, you'll learn why companies choose a multi-space architecture to support a more agile business operating model.

      • Duration 7m
      • Intermediate
    • Content Authoring Accelerator workshop

      This Content Authoring Accelerator workshop is a blended learning experience that helps content creators quickly get up to speed with learning both the conceptual and technical aspects of using Contentful. Purchasing this event will give you access to the self-paced...

      • Event
      • Intermediate
    • Scheduled publishing and tasks

      In this video, you'll learn how entry comments, tasks, scheduled publishing and user notifications can help you stay on top of your projects.

      • Duration 2m
      • Beginner
    • Content Authoring Accelerator workshop

      Description: Join our experts in this hands-on workshop to sharpen your ability to use Contentful for effective digital content management. Learn to navigate Contentful's features including assets, entries, localization, and scheduling through practical exercises and live demos. The interactive elements...

      • Event
      • Duration 2h
      • Intermediate
    • Content strategy with Contentful

      In this course, you'll learn all about leading the initial stages of analyzing and mapping out a content strategy for projects using Contentful.

      • Path
      • Duration 20m
      • Beginner