Contentful Certified Professional Exam

Contentful experts are in demand. Whether you’re a seasoned Contentful veteran or want to become one, a Contentful Certified Professional credential allows you to demonstrate your expertise.

The Contentful Certification Professional Exam is intended for software developers, technical architects, project managers, content architects, and others responsible for the technical design, development, or implementation of Contentful projects. It is not intended for content authors or other non-technical users.

You don’t need software development skills to pass the exam. However, you should have a strong technical grasp of Contentful’s capabilities, features, architecture, and best practices. You should also be familiar with basic software engineering concepts.

The exam consists of multiple-choice and select-all-that-apply questions in English. You must complete the Exam in one sitting. The maximum time allowed to complete the Exam is seventy-five (75) minutes. To pass the certification, you must receive a final score of at least 70%.